miércoles, 17 de octubre de 2018

Our resources

Resources are limited. Land, food, minerals, water, etc, all of them will run out at some point. At least they will if we don’t recycle and reuse them. Most of people don’t care about this or don’t actually know, and this is normal, because nowadays, industry as stupid and terrible as it sounds, cover this problem, so we don’t feel bad when buying a t-shirt or drinking a cup of coffee. This post is destined so you realize what else means to eat a piece of meat.
In my last post, I talked about how much pollution the production of meat causes. In this one I’m going to talk about what we are losing by producing this same meat. The livestock industry occupies 30% of all the land surface and a 33% of all the cultivable land in the world. A big part of this land is also taken from the felling of forest and destruction of the environment. To produce just 1 Kg. of cow meat, we normally use 15,000 litres of water approx. If you sum up, the growth of the grass that the animals need, the pesticides that their food require, the antibiotics and all the resources gone just to the meat industry, we are using up more than an 8% of all the water that the human consumes in rising cows for eating.
So, even if diets like veganism or vegetarian are really healthy, for our bodies and the environment, it’s impossible to ask the whole world to stop eating meat from one day to another, for a lot of reasons, like the market balance and customs, I invite you to think what can you do to help the world, because if it’s not you, who will? Just decreasing the amount of meat you eat by half you are helping our planet.

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