domingo, 28 de octubre de 2018


In 2016, 68.000 million animals were slaughtered in the carnivore industry. 68.000 million animals mean more than 9 times the actual human population. They were raised and fed with just one objective when they get to a size where it's profitable to kill them, they are sent to the slaughterhouse. But that’s not the worse part, the awful part of this, it's their life before dying. They grow in extremely small places, where many times they can’t even move, because if they exercise their flesh is going to get harder, or if they move they will need to consume more food, and that’s not good for the company because that means more costs and less profit.
This animals live in deplorable ways. One of the most extreme examples is the chicken. Everyone likes chicken, it's really tasty, you can cook it in many ways and it’s an animal that’s eaten in almost all countries. But most people don’t know how these poor living beings live, they are all stacked in really dirty spaces where they can’t move much, they have to live under their own excrement, they are raised with drugs and supplements so they can grow as fast as possible, in a way that their legs can’t stand their own weight, so they get injured, they are always dying of heart attacks, organ dysfunctions, deformities, etc. Just to get killed when its time to.
The won is castrated, burned, their horns cut and all this without the use of analgesics )because this will affect the product and because it means, of course, more money that the company an save). After giving birth to their babies, cows are artificially inseminated more than one time in a year so they can keep the milk production, and get more than one time a day connected to machines that milk them continuously.

sábado, 27 de octubre de 2018

Is animal meat good for your system?

In general meat gives you fat and proteins, and lots of it. Those are two things that our bodies need, especially protein, because it’s the source of the muscle, its good for your skin and it actually has other uses. That’s why normally body builders and high performance athletes usually have to eat meat every day in their diet. But this diet has its disadvantages.
First of all, for digesting meat you need other nutrients and minerals, ones that the meat actually don’t give you, that’s why eating vegetables are necessary and that’s why you cant live just of meat. Other point to know, is that nowadays the meat industry is an enormous business, so lowering costs its essential for its existence, and you can imagine the ways to lower costs here… they give the animals really poor quality food in general. You can’t compare eating a wild cow or chicken to a supermarket one, you are ingesting this poor food indirectly. Fat its known for absorb things, and animals are full of it, so if they consume any toxic food they will keep it for the rest of their life’s, a good example are the fishes; oceans are really polluted and fishes eat everything in there, so you can imagine what this means for you.
Then it comes your direct health. You have to know that meat is acidic, that means that your stomach needs a lot of effort to break it down, and your kidneys suffer for this, especially if you don’t eat it with side vegetables. Then the disease part, meat increase your chances of having cancer and osteoporosis, that’s proved, it’s also related to heart problems, that’s because red meats are really high in cholesterol.
So to finish this post I want you to think how much meat you are eating and see if its convenient for your body to keep this.

miércoles, 17 de octubre de 2018

Our resources

Resources are limited. Land, food, minerals, water, etc, all of them will run out at some point. At least they will if we don’t recycle and reuse them. Most of people don’t care about this or don’t actually know, and this is normal, because nowadays, industry as stupid and terrible as it sounds, cover this problem, so we don’t feel bad when buying a t-shirt or drinking a cup of coffee. This post is destined so you realize what else means to eat a piece of meat.
In my last post, I talked about how much pollution the production of meat causes. In this one I’m going to talk about what we are losing by producing this same meat. The livestock industry occupies 30% of all the land surface and a 33% of all the cultivable land in the world. A big part of this land is also taken from the felling of forest and destruction of the environment. To produce just 1 Kg. of cow meat, we normally use 15,000 litres of water approx. If you sum up, the growth of the grass that the animals need, the pesticides that their food require, the antibiotics and all the resources gone just to the meat industry, we are using up more than an 8% of all the water that the human consumes in rising cows for eating.
So, even if diets like veganism or vegetarian are really healthy, for our bodies and the environment, it’s impossible to ask the whole world to stop eating meat from one day to another, for a lot of reasons, like the market balance and customs, I invite you to think what can you do to help the world, because if it’s not you, who will? Just decreasing the amount of meat you eat by half you are helping our planet.

domingo, 14 de octubre de 2018

Unbelievable Pollution

Nowadays the human diet is really balanced, a person normally has no problem ingesting the basic nutrients minerals and everything one need for living, especially proteins, there are a lot of protein sources for us, like eggs, legumes and meat. This last one is actually incredibly full of this proteins, and that’s why humans have eaten meat from the beginning of history. In almost all cultures meat has been a a fundamental part of their food consumption and in many of them its also considered a delicacy. While the population grew and with this the global market, the meat business has been always in growth too, with this I mean that with more people, there’s a need for more production, so every year the amount of cows and pigs needed are increasing.
Where’s the problem with all this?
Hundreds of years ago humans ate meat because it is a good source of proteins and there were not many option, so the consumption per person was not that high. Today the offer will depend on the demand, and with technology the production cost are always getting smaller. That’s why the consumption per person today is getting higher every year.
Livestock sector is responsible of the 9% of the CO2 that the human produces. That’s actually nothing compared to the 65% of nitrous oxygen that they produce with their manure, this is 265 times more dangerous for global warming that the CO2.
Of all the space we have to live in our planet, 30% of the earth is destined to the production of pastureland that the livestock sector uses for growing their animals. In South America 70% of the deforestation is because of this.
So, even when nowadays vegan and vegetarians are increasing in number, the meat market keep getting bigger and bigger. This blog is an invitation for the one that reads, not to stop eating meat, but to consider this and decrease a little its consumption.

Replace it!

So in all the other blogs, we have seen the reality behind this industry, for many of us, it may be a harsh truth, for others maybe it’s j...